When they got to the dock Joe was very scared. Joe didn’t know how to swim. But when they got on the boat they were ok Joe got over his fear and Bob found food. When they got settled in they all went out for dinner. All three of them had on matching purple tuxedos with matching yellow sombreros. After dinner they all went swimming in the pool, Except Joe he kept on eating. When Bob and John were done swimming they went back to the room figuring joe will come soon. Well they fell asleep and when they woke up joe wasn’t there. They looked around the room under bed, under the couch and and in the closet. But he wasn't there. They figured he was eating breakfast after they didn’t find him in the room. When they went down the stairs they found him he was covered in his own vomit and pee, he had bird crap all over him. He was blanking on this guy who was laughing at him he said “ you best not be laughing uhhu aw heck nah back space delete!”. They helped Joe back up to the room. When they got to the room they asked Joe what happened he said he sat down and was to lazy to stand up. Well this was there last night on the boat and Joe slept all day and all night. When they woke up they got in the car and left.